Queering the Curriculum: Reflections on LGBT+ Inclusivity in Higher Education

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Higher education (HE) is fairly accommodating of sexual diversity in many countries. However, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and other sexual minority (LGBT+) students and staff still face many challenges regarding acceptance and integration which may impact learning and teaching experiences. This article discusses the relevance of LGBT+ inclusivity in pedagogy and the ways by which it can be incorporated into HE with examples from teaching in Psychology. It also discusses some of the advantages and risks associated with ‘coming out’ for LGBT+ academics to broaden visibility at university. Queer pedagogical perspectives, which question the use of identity-based LGBT+ representations in education and propose alternative ways of queering the curriculum, are also reviewed. The article concludes by attempting to bridge identity-based and critical perspectives to positively contribute to LGBT+ inclusivity in HE, and by affirming the importance of joint work from universities’ senior leadership and academics to achieve that aim.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-30
Number of pages10
JournalPsychology Teaching Review
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - May 2022


  • LGBT
  • pedagogy
  • inclusivity
  • higher education
  • psychology

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