Feminism and International Relations: Conversations about the Past, Present, and Future

J. Ann Tickner (Editor), Laura Sjoberg (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Feminist International Relations scholarship in the United States recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. Over those years, feminist researchers have made substantial progress concerning the question of how gender matters in global politics, global economics, and global culture. The progress has been noted both in the academic field of international relations and, increasingly, in the policy world.

Celebrating these achievements, this book constructs conversations about the history, present state of, and future of feminist International Relations as a field across subfields of IR, continents, and generations of scholars. Providing an overview and assessment of what it means to "gender" IR in the 21st century, the volume has a unique format: it features a series of intellectual conversations, presenting cutting-edge research in the field, with provocative comments from senior scholars. It examines issues including global governance, the United Nations, war, peace, security, science, beauty, and human rights and addresses key questions including:

What does viewing the diverse problems of global politics through gendered lenses look like in the 21st Century?
How do feminisms accommodate differences in culture, race, and religion?
How do feminist theoretical and policy analyses fit together?
These conversations about feminist IR are accessible to non-specialist audiences and will be of interest to students and scholars of Gender Studies, Feminist Politics and International Relations.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages274
ISBN (Electronic)9780203816813
ISBN (Print)9780415584579, 9780415584609
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jun 2011


  • feminist IR
  • gender
  • international relations theory
  • politics
  • economics
  • culture
  • climate
  • security
  • Conclusion: Feminist Futures

    Sjoberg, L. & Tickner, J. A., 3 Jun 2011, Feminism and International Relations: Conversations about the Past, Present, and Future. Tickner, J. A. & Sjoberg, L. (eds.). 1st ed. London: Routledge, p. 221-236 16 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

  • Introduction: International Relations through Feminist Lenses

    Sjoberg, L. & Tickner, J. A., 3 Jun 2011, Feminism and International Relations: Conversations about the Past, Present, and Future. Tickner, J. A. & Sjoberg, L. (eds.). 1st ed. London: Routledge, p. 1-21 21 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

  • Security as Emancipation: A Feminist Perspective Soumita Basu Engagement

    Sjoberg, L., 3 Jun 2011, Feminism and International Relations: Conversations about the Past, Present, and Future. Tickner, J. A. & Sjoberg, L. (eds.). 1st ed. London: Routledge, p. 115-122 8 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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