Prediction of anomalies in the velocity of sound for the pseudogap of hole-doped cuprates

Caitlin Walsh, M. Charlebois, P. Semon, Giovanni Sordi, A. -M. S. Tremblay

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We predict sound anomalies at the doping $\delta_p$ where the pseudogap ends in the normal state of hole-doped cuprates. Our prediction is based on the two-dimensional compressible Hubbard model using cluster dynamical mean-field theory. We find sharp anomalies (dips) in the velocity of sound as a function of doping and interaction. These dips are a signature of supercritical phenomena, stemming from an electronic transition without symmetry breaking below the superconducting dome. If experimentally verified, these signatures may help to solve the fundamental question of the nature of the pseudogap, pinpointing its origin as due to Mott physics and resulting short-range correlations.
Original languageEnglish
Article number235134
Pages (from-to)1-6
Number of pages6
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - 16 Dec 2022

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