Longitudinal Beam Profile Measurements at CTF3 Using Coherent Diffraction Radiation

Maximilian Micheler, Grahame Blair, Gary Boorman, Pavel Karataev, Roberto Corsini, Thibaut Lefevre

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The diagnostics of a 6D phase space distribution is a crucial and a challenging task, which is required for modern and future installations such as light sources or linear colliders, like CLIC. The longitudinal profile is one of the parameters which needs to be monitored. A setup for the investigation of coherent diffraction radiation from a conducting screen as a tool for non-invasive longitudinal electron beam profile diagnostics has been designed and installed in the CRM line of the CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) at CERN. This setup also allows the measurements of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation from the last bending magnet. In this report we present the status of the experiment and show some preliminary results on coherent synchrotron radiation and coherent diffraction radiation studies. The plans for interferometric measurements of coherent radiation are also presented.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of PAC09, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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