First measurements of Cherenkov-Diffraction Radiation at Diamond Light Source

Daniel Harryman, Pavel Karataev, M Apollonio, L Bobb, Michele Bergamaschi, Robert Kieffer, Michal Krupa, Thibaut Lefevre, Stefano Mazzoni, A Potylitsyn

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Cherenkov-Diffraction Radiation (ChDR), appearingwhen a charged particle moves in the vicinity of a dielectricmedium with speed faster than the speed of light inside themedium, is a phenomenon that can be exploited for a rangeof non-invasive beam diagnostics. By using dielectric radia-tors that emit photons when in proximity to charged particlebeams, one can design devices to measure beam propertiessuch as position, direction and size. The Booster To Storage-ring (BTS) test stand at Diamond Light Source provides a 3GeV electron beam for diagnostics research. A new vesselstring has been installed to allow the BTS test stand to beused to study ChDR diagnostics applicable for both hadronand electron accelerators. This paper will discuss the com-missioning of the BTS test stand, as well as exploring theinitial results obtained from the ChDR monitor.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 10 Nov 2019
EventInternational Beam Instrumentation Conference (8th) - Malmö, Sweden
Duration: 8 Sept 201912 Sept 2019


ConferenceInternational Beam Instrumentation Conference (8th)
Abbreviated titleIBIC2019

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