Zeus desktop molecular visualisation software: Molecular viewer for WIndows

Jamie Alnasir (Developer)

Research output: Non-textual formSoftware


A molecular visualisation tool that supports PDB, MOL, MOL2/SYBYL and XYZ file formats. The rendering engine can output high quality molecular graphics. Zeus provides a sequence search that can highlight within the molecular structure. Individual residues within the structure can be easily labelled through-out the visualisation and can have specific rendering options applied for further inspection of moeties. Ramachandran plots of internal dihedral angles can be generated and exported. PDB files can be automatically downloaded from the RSCB PDB.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2010


  • zeus
  • molecular structure
  • visualization
  • software
  • pdb
  • X-ray crystallography

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