“What exactly are you trying to tell me?” An evaluation of the use of Forum Theatre to develop skills and confidence in giving feedback on performance to supervisees.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    Supervisors of qualified social workers and students are expected to provide
    honest and constructive feedback on performance to their supervisees (Ofsted,
    2012; TCSW et al, 2013; DfE, 2015). Pousette et al (2010) identify the
    difficulties supervisors experience in giving feedback to supervisees which
    may be perceived as negative. These difficulties mirror the concerns and
    challenges regularly expressed by students on the post-qualifying supervision
    and practice education courses which I lead.
    This study sought to explore whether the use of Forum Theatre as a pedagogic
    approach could in any way assist supervisors to address these challenges
    and develop skills and confidence in giving supervisees feedback on
    performance. Forum theatre (Boal, 2008) has been used as a tool in different
    areas of health and social care education to explore aspects of practice that
    students may find challenging (Middlewick et al, 2012). However the literature
    evaluating Forum Theatre as a pedagogic approach remains limited.
    Students were invited to take part in a three hour Forum Theatre workshop
    which was evaluated using pre and post workshop questionnaires. Post
    workshop questionnaires were administered immediately following the
    workshop and again 3-4 months following the workshop. The workshop
    was run on three occasions using the same poor practice scenarios. The
    workshops involved a total of 29 participants who held roles as practice
    educators, newly qualified social work assessors and line managers of social
    Results from the evaluation will be presented and will specifically address:
    - Participants views of Forum Theatre as a pedagogic approach
    - The impact of the workshops in respect of participants confidence in having
    conversations about performance with supervisees
    - The impact of the workshops in relation to perceived skills development
    - Transfer of learning from the workshops into the workplace
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    Event6th European Conference for Social Work Research - Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal
    Duration: 30 Mar 20161 Apr 2016


    Conference6th European Conference for Social Work Research

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