Funcons for HGMP: the fundamental constructs of homogeneous generative meta-programming

L. Thomas van Binsbergen

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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The PLanCompS project proposes a component-based approach to programming-language development in which fundamental constructs (funcons) are reused across language definitions. Homogeneous Generative Meta-Programming (HGMP) enables writing programs that generate code as data, at run-time or compile-time, for manipulation and staged evaluation. Building on existing formalisations of HGMP, this paper introduces funcons for HGMP and demonstrates their usage in component-based semantics.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 5 Nov 2018
EventGenerative Programming: Concepts & Experiences -
Duration: 5 Nov 20186 Nov 2018


ConferenceGenerative Programming: Concepts & Experiences
Abbreviated titleGPCE 2018

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