Eco-Terrorism: Assessing current threats and trends

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Currently there is no strong evidence that growing concerns around climate change have so far translated into a rise in eco-terrorism attacks. While
the climate change crisis certainly has a very strong ideological resonance with some environmentally-motivated terrorists, to date this has not translated into a noticeable increase in attacks. Whether that continues to be the case as the climate crisis worsens remains to be seen. In particular, recent research by Arie Perliger and Mengyan Liu found a strong link between man-made ecological damage and the prevalence of eco-violence incidents. As ecological damage increased, so did eco violence. This has potentially serious consequences in a context of increasingly serious impacts of climate change going forward. Regardless, apprehension around this issue within some government and criminal justice thinking is already evident. This can be partly seen in recent government efforts targeting protest activity typical of groups such as Extinction Rebellion
which has sought to introduce tougher punishments for protest-related activity and to restrict the activities of some protestors. Critics of these measures have warned, however, about the potential for these tougher measures to contribute to radicalisation towards more serious violence.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
JournalPool Re Monthly Threat Update
Issue numberJuly
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2022


  • climate change
  • climate crisis
  • terrorism
  • political violence
  • eco-terrorism
  • eco-fascism

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