Asterion, After Borges is a live exploration of a virtual labyrinth, projected onto the walls of Shoreditch Town Hall’s basement. A combination of digital architecture, live readings and emergent soundscapes, the result is a multi-threaded exploration of the Minotaur myth.
It was commissioned by Electronic Voice Phenomenon a project of indedpendent publisher Penned in the Margins and was first performed at Shoreditch Town Hall. It is currently in development for additional performances, both online as a live stream and in new venues during 2016.
It was commissioned by Electronic Voice Phenomenon a project of indedpendent publisher Penned in the Margins and was first performed at Shoreditch Town Hall. It is currently in development for additional performances, both online as a live stream and in new venues during 2016.
Original language | English |
Publisher | Penned in the Margins / Electronic Voice Phenomena |
Publication status | Published - 14 Nov 2015 |