A Mythical and Ritualistic Approach to Audiovisual Scoring, from Documentary to Multimedia

Alfons Conde

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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This research examines the multidisciplinary approaches to the matter of narrative and emotion in music for visual media, focusing on the mythical and ritualistic aspects that stand at the core of every audiovisual composition. Myth, ritual, and symbol, have a strong interconnection with narrative and consequently are frequently analysed in the context of the media arts. However, music is typically omitted from such analysis, or just tangentially mentioned. I aim to determine the validity of this approach in different audiovisual genres, from film to multimedia projects, through the presentation of the methodology I apply both to my academic teaching and in my compositional output.
First, I will look at the existing debates about the narrativization of music, and the known methodologies in composing for audiovisuals. Then, I will perform an in-depth analysis of narrative theory: classifying the different theories by chronologically introducing the theorists who formulated them, and showing how
they are interrelated. Myth is a central concept in some of these theories, so I will
explain the term and its relationship with narrative. I will then go one step further and explore myth-ritual theory, and analyse how myth and ritual can be applied to storytelling in audiovisual media. Music will then be integrated on that analysis, in the context of modern filmmaking and audiovisual theories, the works of others, my personal teachings, and my compositional portfolio.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Royal Holloway, University of London
  • Lock, Brian, Supervisor
Award date1 May 2020
Publication statusUnpublished - 2019


  • audiovisual composition
  • myth and ritual
  • film music
  • orchestral
  • Alfons Conde

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