The Development of Government Cloud Computing: An Institutional Perspective

Khalid Al zadjali

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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Cloud computing is a new infrastructure technology that is changing our understanding of systems implementation and infrastructure complexity and providing standard uniform services for an organisation. Cloud computing implementation seems to be in contention with the accumulated knowledge of Information systems (IS) implementation and IS infrastructure implementation which highlights the difficulties and barriers to standardisations.
This research examines the implementation of the National Government Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) programme in Oman. It adopts an institutionalist perspective by considering the important role that institutional context and forces play in systems adoption and implementation (Avgerou 2000; Currie and Guah 2007). In particular, it adopts the lens of institutional forces and aims to answer the research questions: How do institutional forces affect the implementation of government cloud computing? and what organisational practices can lead to the adoption and implementation of cloud computing in government? To answer these questions, it follows a qualitative interpretive approach. Its data collection method consisted of in-depth; face-to-face, semi-structured interviews; document reviews; emails; participant observations of online communities and groups; informal discussions; and review news items.
This study explored the role played by coercive and mimetic forces in information infrastructure’s standardisation. While normative forces hindered implementation standards, their effects were less significant than either of these forces. The overall findings show that institutional forces play an important role in standardising the way information infrastructure is implemented. More specifically, the findings unfold the different institutional forces that play a significant role in the implementation of government cloud computing. This is in contrast with recent findings that normative forces have resulted in the failure of system implementation in large IS infrastructure (Currie 2012). This study contributes to theory by (a) providing insight into the adoption and implementation of cloud computing in government which is lacking from the literature, (b) providing an interpretive understanding of cloud computing adoption and implementation as large information infrastructure in organisations, and (c) providing in-depth understanding of the relationship between the different institutional forces that could impact the adoption and implementation of cloud computing. In doing this, the study contributes to practice by recommending institutional interventions to stimulate large-scale cloud computing adoption and implementation. Additionally, the study provides valuable insights to practitioners who seek to understand how institutional forces help in implementing large information infrastructure such as the Government Cloud.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Royal Holloway, University of London
  • Elbanna, Amany, Supervisor
  • Córdoba-Pachón, José-Rodrigo , Advisor
Thesis sponsors
Award date1 Mar 2018
Publication statusPublished - 19 Feb 2018

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