Nerve Damage: Try/-tych

Sarah Cave

Research output: Book/ReportAnthology


Nerve Damage is an anthology of poems in response to Joel-Peter Witkin's photograph 'The Poet' [above]. It includes new work by Paul Sutton, John Mingay, Mike Ferguson, Sheila E. Murphy, Carrie Etter, Peter Finch, Martin Stannard, H.L. Hix, Aaron Kent, Ian Seed, John Gimblett, Daniel Y. Harris, Alan Halsey, David Grubb, M.A. Duxbury-Hibbert, A.C. Evans, George Ttoouli, Robert Sheppard, Sarah Cave, John Phillips, Annabel Banks and Rupert Loydell, who initiated the project.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherAnalogue Flashback Books
Publication statusPublished - 2016

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