Multiple Contexts in Technological Development: Hardware and Software Development of the Electric Vehicle

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The development of new forms of fuel technology in the auto industry has largely been as a result of regulations towards reducing vehicle emissions and extending fuel economy. One result of a particular set of Californian regulations, those demanding zero emission vehicles, has been the increasing pace of development of the battery electric vehicle. This case fits uneasily with existing views of technological development and can best be explained by taking a software-hardware view of the technological development process. Both the hard-technological and soft-social and market elements need to be in place for successful electric vehicle development to occur. The status of electric vehicle technology is described in this paper using the linkage between software and hardware. %Z article
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)131-140
JournalTechnology Management: Strategies and Applications
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2000


  • best-practice, bibliometrics, bibtex-import, cell, electric-vehicle, fuel, global, innovation, alignment, local, management, manufacturing, patent, portfolio, strategies, technology

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