Examining strategic ambidexterity as an antecedent of functional and cross-functional ambidexterity

Sameer Qaiyum, Catherine L. Wang

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Literature has identified disparate organizational mechanisms that facilitate ambidexterity. However, the questions remain as to what strategy processes underpin these organizational mechanisms, and how they can be aligned with functional and cross-functional activities to implement ambidexterity. This study aims to examine the effect of strategic ambidexterity on functional and cross-functional ambidexterity, taking into account contingent factors such as environmental turbulence and firm size. We first conceptualize and operationalize strategic ambidexterity as the integration of planned and autonomous strategy processes, and then find that strategic ambidexterity is an important antecedent of functional and cross-functional ambidexterity with particular reference to market and technological business functions. Finally, we find that such effects do not differ with the level of environmental turbulence, nor with firm size. Our findings have managerial implications and also identify several fruitful avenues for future research.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2 Sept 2016
Event30th annual British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference - Newcastle, United Kingdom
Duration: 6 Sept 20168 Sept 2016


Conference30th annual British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

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