Consociational Power-Sharing in the Arab World as Counter-Revolution

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper argues that consociational power-sharing in the Arab World is intrinsically counterrevolutionary. The academic debate on consociational power-sharing has largely overlooked this because 1) it pre-supposes class inequalities and over-emphasises state stability, and 2) it is limited by a broader misunderstanding of counterrevolution, in which the concept is reduced to momentary reactions to revolution. By critiquing class and state assumptions in consociational power-sharing literature, and presenting a nuanced conceptualisation of counterrevolution, this paper seeks to bring the debate closer to the concurrent revolutionary episodes against the consociational arrangements of Lebanon and Iraq, and inspire more inclusionary state-(re)building arrangements in the Arab World.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)128-136
Number of pages9
JournalStudies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
Issue number2
Early online date19 Oct 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 19 Oct 2020


  • Consociationalism
  • Middle East
  • Lebanon
  • Iraq
  • Elite Politics
  • Revolution
  • Counter-revolution
  • Sectarianism
  • Syria

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