Blick von Nirgendwo ('View from Nowhere'), with choreographer Katja F.M. Wolf - performer, co-deviser

David Williams, Katja F.M. Wolf

Research output: Other contribution


Performer/co-deviser of Blick von Nirgendwo (‘View from Nowhere’): choreographer/director Katja FM Wolf. Collaborators include Katja FM Wolf, Malgven Gerbes, David Williams, Bryan Saner (performers); Monika Pirch (video artist); Jim Campbell (sound artist); Andreas Mangano (designer); Hiroaki Kanai (costume designer). Collaborator in research, development, rehearsal, production of new choreographic work, funded by regional arts bodies in Germany. Premiere: Forum Freies Theater Juta (FFT), Düsseldorf, March-April. Also performed in Ringlokschuppen, Mülheim an der Ruhr, April
Original languageEnglish
TypePerformer/co-deviser of performance
Publication statusPublished - 2007

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