Robert Choudhury

Robert Choudhury


Personal profile

Personal profile

I started my career as a Software engineer working on software to manage telecoms networks.

I then worked in IT for over ten years, providing planning and implementation of systems both in the field and from an office. To better support my Clients, I studied and passed the six exams leading to an MCSE in Windows Server.

I have experience working with clients from the public and private sector, including SMEs, Investment Banks, Schools, and local Government Organizations such as Councils. Over time my work became more security-focused with projects that involved the design and configuration of cloud infrastructure, anti-Spam solutions, VPNs, Firewalls, and ensuring that companies with card payments systems were compliant with PCI DSS.

I have successfully obtained qualifications in the field of security, including the CISSP from ISC2, and I undertook the MSc in Information Security, achieving a Distinction from Royal Holloway.

I have accepted an invitation to be part of the CDT at RHUL, where I am working towards a PhD in Cyber Security. My current research interests include enhancing the security available to Small Businesses, Network Security, Malware Sandboxes, Machine Learning and Reverse Turing tests.


  • Artificial intelligence
  • Deep Learning