Marianne Sarfati

Marianne Sarfati


Personal profile

Research interests

My main interest is the evolution of acoustic communication. What shapes acoustic communication? What is the variability of acoustic production and perception among species and among different human cultures? How and why do some species learn their vocalizations? I want to study acoustic communication from a cross-species perspective, with human language, music, and non-human species sound signals as several angles to look at acoustic communication.

Adding a conservation component to my projects is important to me. Another cause close to my heart is the contribution to a better understanding of the biology of female non-human animals, in order to overturn outdated binary expectations of bodies, brains, biology, and behavior, shaped by centuries of sexist thinking.

My Ph.D. project is on the impact of pollution on the cultural evolution of birdsongs. With that project, I hope to better understand how bird acoustic communication is evolving in a world with considerable anthropic pressures and their consequences on sexual selection by also taking into account female perception.

Educational background

Master "Ecophysiology, Ecology, Ethology" - Strasbourg University (France)

Degree "Ecology and Organisms Biology" - Poitiers University (France)

Education/Academic qualification

Ecophysiology, Ecolog, Ethology, Master, Université de Strasbourg

1 Sept 20181 Jul 2020


  • Behavioural biology
  • Evolutionary psychology
  • Ecology