Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Carlotta Paltrinieri received her PhD in Italian Studies from Indiana University Bloomington, with a specialisation in early modern literature and art history.  Before joining RHUL, she was Assistant Director of the Medici Archive Project, and Senior Researcher in the programme ‘Towards a National Collection’, funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council. She has held research fellowships at the University College Cork (Euronews Project, 2019-2020) the Bibliotheca Hertziana-Max Planck Institute for Art History (Roma Communis Patria, 2020-2021), and at the Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies (University of London).

Her research interests lie at the intersection of intellectual and social history, and artistic literature. Her most recent publications focus on the sociological analysis of art academies, and on the study of the rhetoric of early modern newsletters. 

Carlotta is also interested in exploring digital approaches to the study of art history, intellectual history, and literature. She obtained a certificate in Digital Art History and Digital Archiving from the European Summer University in Digital Humanities in 2017. In the past year, she  was an invited speaker at the Bibliotheca Hertziana’s “Digital Reflections” seminar; at the Center for Research Libraries’ “New Shapes of Sharing”, a series of workshops aimed at connecting digital humanists, archivists, and librarians worldwide; and at the Renaissance Society of America’s roundtable “Early Modern Material Culture: New Approaches in Digital Humanities”, where she  discussed the latest trends in Digital Humanities for the study of early modern sources. 

Her current digital projects include a digital edition of a manuscript held at the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (Magl. XVII, Lezzione sulla pittura) and a large-scale analysis of early modern title pages through the application of Computer Vision. She has previously worked on the application of network analysis to track the movements of early modern intellectuals and artists between Florence and Rome; the application of topic modeling on early modern newsletters; and on crowdsourcing projects for digital archiving. 

Research Interests

Early modern artistic literature

Early modern academies 

Early modern newsletters (avvisi)

Digital Humanities

Digital Cultural Heritage 



Carlotta currently teaches modules in Italian Renaissance, Dante and Boccaccio, Liberal Arts, and Translation Studies. 

  • IT1230: The Heritage Of Dante And The Renaissance
  • IT2400/IT3400: Art and Literature in Renaissance Florence
  • IT2600/IT3600: Fake News, Rumors, and the Pursuit of Truth 
  • IT3230: Dante - Divine Comedy II
  • ML3400: Advanced Translation: Professional Practice
  • EN5607: Medieval Narratives in Cultural Contexts
  • LA2000: Liberal Arts 2: Power, Society, and Cultural Practice 




Paltrinieri, Carlotta. (2021). International Benchmarking Review: A Towards a National Collection Report. Zenodo.

Paltrinieri, Carlotta. (2023). Consolidation Report: Insights from Towards a National Collection Foundation Projects. Zenodo.


È necessario che costà non si porga orecchia alle male relationi, ma guidi cavandosi le cose dagli effettii: Truth, Falsehood, and Persuasion in Manuscript Avvisi”, in The Historical Truth, Pisa University Press, 2022. 

“The Celebrations of the Canonization of Saint Andrea Corsini: A Florentine Saint in Rome,” Pensieri ad Arte: Roma 1629, eds. Jan Blanc and Marije Osnabrugge (Rome: Artemide, 2020), pp. 189-200. 

 “Filippo Baldinucci ‘Scultore’? A New Light on His Fifty Years in the Accademia del Disegno”, Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz (2020), pp. 21-34.

“Cosimo I de’ Medici and the Birth of the First Art Academy” in Nel Segno di Cosimo, ed. Marzia Cantini (Florence: Angelo Pontecorboli, 2019): 119-132.


“se sotto questa voce di disegno si comprendino le stampe: gli accademici del Disegno di Firenze e la disputa sollevata da un nobile urbinate”, in Storia di Critica d’Arte (2019), pp. 63-69.

“Rediscovering the sociabilite’ of the Florentine Academy of Arts” in Tuscan Academies of the 17th Century and their Intellectual Networks, in Edizioni Universita’ di Per Stranieri di Siena (2020), pp. 3-20.

“Social and Spatial Dimensions of the Florentine Accademia del Disegno” in Motion, Transformation, Proceeding of the Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art, Florence 2019, Bononia University Press, (2021), pp. 83-86.



Dictionary of Tuscan Academies, eds. Jean Boutier and Maria Pia Paoli (Florence University Press, 2022). Six entries (Arti del Disegno; Pastori Antellesi; Belle Arti; San Gallo; Sacra Accademia; Agiati). This encyclopedia will be the most exhaustive study of Tuscan academies since the 1950s. FORTHCOMING

100 Lances for the Prince (Exhibition Catalogue, Uffizi Gallery), Giunti, (2019). Four entries: Karl Paris Edinger, Brevi regole della pronunzia alemanna (Brief Rules to Pronounce German) (1673); Piero Salvetti, Brindisi (1723); Francesco Redi, Scherzo poetico (Poetic ‘scherzo’) (1781); Lorenzo Lippi, Il Malmantile racquistato (1731). 


Roberta Cella, “Sonnets between Benedetto Varchi and Lionardo Salviati” (Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Banco Rari 60), Italianistica (2016) XlV, 3: 47-98. La Rassegna della letteratura italiana (2019): 143-144.

Carlo Vecce, The Lost Library – Leonardo da Vinci’s books. (Roma: Salerno editrice, 2017). La Rassegna della letteratura italiana (2018): 452-454.

Francisco Pacheco, On Christian Iconography: Selections from the Art of Painting (1649). Eds. Jeremy Roe and Carles Gutiérrez Sanfeliu. Early Modern Catholicism and the Visual Arts 16. (Philadelphia: Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2017). Sixteenth Century Journal (2017): 294-296.

Education/Academic qualification

Early Modern Italian Literature and Art , PhD, Indiana University Bloomington


Award Date: 31 Aug 2018

External positions

Executive Committee Member, Society for Italian Studies