Television Drama: the Forgotten, the Lost and the Neglected

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference


The Television Drama: the Forgotten, the Lost and the Neglected Conference took place at Royal Holloway, University of London 22-24 April 2015 as part of the AHRC-funded History of Forgotten TV Drama research project.

Co-organised by Dr. Billy Smart, Professor John Hill and Dr. Lez Cooke the conference sought to address a number of topics including:

-Histories and historiographies of forgotten, lost or neglected television drama and their significance for an understanding of conventional accounts of TV drama
-Case-studies of television dramatists, actors, directors, producers, designers, or other production staff and their forgotten, lost or neglected contributions to television drama.
-Forgotten, lost or neglected forms and genres of television drama (such as educational drama, children’s drama, women’s drama and others).
-The construction of ‘canons’ of television drama and their inclusions and omissions.
-The scheduling and repeating of television, and the programmes that it promotes and disadvantages.
-Television archives and questions of the preservation of, and access to, forgotten programmes.
-Advances and innovations in television drama that went unnoticed or were not continued.
-Untransmitted or unfinished programmes.
-Television drama from neglected regions and smaller television companies.

Co-organiser with Dr Billy Smart and Dr Lez Cooke
Period22 Apr 201524 Apr 2015
Event typeOther