Special Relationships: Poetry Across the Atlantic Since 2000, Rothermere American Institute (RAI), University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

  • Mary Jean Chan (Speaker)

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference


Special Relationships: Poetry Across the Atlantic Since 2000 is a one-day symposium which aims to interrogate ideas of relationships and national borders in poetry written in the circum-Atlantic region since the turn of the millennium. Other themes of interest include race, gender, and sexuality; networks and communication; the War on Terror and historical and contemporary imperialism; the relationship between poetry, labour, and capital; and poetry and institutions, including academia.

Spatial and Spiritual Subalternity in Kei Miller’s The Cartographer Tries to Map a Way to Zion (20-minute paper)
Period19 May 2017
Event typeOther