Using Game controller for Relaying Deictic Gestures in Computer Mediated Communication

Swen Walkowski, Ralf Doerner, Mirja Lievonen, Duska Rosenberg

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    In computer mediated communication, participants often experience a loss of
    information that would have been conveyed by non-verbal means in a face-
    to-face communication. They need to compensate for this loss by being more
    verbose which may have a negative impact on the e ciency of communica-
    tion or give rise to misunderstandings. In this paper, we present a computer
    system that augments the imagery perceived from the remote site with addi-
    tional visual information and that can be controlled very simply by using a
    Nintendo Wiimote game controller. Our user tests show that this system is
    able to partially compensate for the information typically lost in conventional
    video conferencing where deictic gestures cannot be relayed properly to the
    remote site. Concerning user acceptance, our user tests also show that the
    visualization technique is crucial which is used for highlighting the objects or
    persons that are being pointed at. Adequate visualization techniques based
    on non-photorealistic rendering are proposed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article numberdoi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2011.01.002
    Pages (from-to)362-374
    Number of pages12
    JournalInternational Journal of Human-Computer Studies
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2011


    • Human Computer Interaction, Usability Studies, Videoconferencing, Communication, Virtual Pointing, Communicative Function, Deictic Reference, Deictic Gestures, Shared Understanding, Interface Design, Wii, Highlighting, Computer Mediated Communication

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