Troubling Gender(S) and Consumer Well-Being: Going Across, Between and Beyond the Binaries to Gender/Sex/ual and Intersectional Diversity

Laurel Steinfield, Martina Hutton, Mohammed Cheded

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Troubling gender(s) invites an expansion of the way we study gender so that our scholarship might reflect lived realities. It calls for critical scholarship that seeks to disrupt, as well as explorative scholarship that seeks to leverage and expand categorizations, going “across, between and beyond” the binary. Troubling gender(s) encourages scholars to recognize the vast terrain of gender diversity, and how gender diversity crosses over with sex and sexual diversity and intersecting social locations of difference to shape consumers’ experiences of marketplace inequities, interactions with other people, and perceptions of self. Troubling gender asks scholars to rethink how they measure, use, or capture gender/sex/ual diversity. In short, troubling gender takes us that next step in thinking through how gender matters.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3-53
Number of pages51
JournalJournal of Consumer Affairs
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 20 Apr 2024

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