
Since the early 2000s the study of European Memory politics has proliferated, but has come to mean different things. It focuses on either the emergence of Holocaust remembrance as a shared cultural memory, disputes within EU institutions over what the European collective memory should be, or standoffs between Russia and its former satellites sparked by differing interpretations of the past back dropped by intercommunal strife. I argue that while such complex multi-level memory politics defy an overarching theoretical categorisation, they can be understood through a comprehensive approach, which is achieved by considering the different narratives of the past to be interpretations of a common historical occurrence. This article argues that European Memory Politics as a whole occurs within a constellation that takes the form of a transnational mythscape of the Second World War, in which international actors promote their interpretations as simplified myths while warding off competing myths that negatively depict their mythical selves. An emergent narrative alliance between Russia and Israel, made in response to European memory politics, is used to illustrate the utility of the transnational mythscape framework for understanding memory beyond the national sphere.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-16
Number of pages16
JournalMemory Studies
Early online date16 Jul 2019
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 16 Jul 2019

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