The Roles of Values, Behavior, and Value‐Behavior Fit in the Relation of Agency and Communion to Well‐Being

Kathryn Buchanan, Anat Bardi

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Four studies examined whether agency and communion values, behaviors or an interaction between values and behaviors (value-behavior fit) would predict well-being. In addition, Study 2 examined whether agency and communion goals, behaviors or goal-behavior fit would predict well-being.
In all four studies participants completed online questionnaires containing measures of agency and communion values, behaviors, and well-being. In Studies 1 and 4 participants were recruited from the general population (respectively (N = 373, Mage = 37.49 and N = 133, Mage = 36.59). In Studies 2 and 3 participants consisted of undergraduate students (respectively, N = 239, Mage = 20.8 and N = 242, Mage = 21.6).
Results and conclusions
All four studies consistently found that agency and communion behaviors were significantly positively correlated with both subjective and psychological well-being. There was no strong indication that either values were directly associated with well-being. Neither was there any indications that well-being was predicted by value-behavior fit. The implications of these findings for theory and improving well-being are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)320-333
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Personality
Issue number3
Early online date26 May 2014
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2015


  • Well-being, Agency/Communion, Values, Person-Activity Fit

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