The Influence of Technology Use on Learning Skills Among Generation Z: A Gender and Cross-country Analysis

Adah-Kole Emmanuel Onjewu, Eun Sun Godwin, F Azizsafaei, Dominic Appiah

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This inquiry flags the shortage of evidence on the distinctive effect of technology use on defined learning skills. To tackle this inertia, it identifies (1) video gaming, (2) internet searching and (3) smartphone usage as ubiquitous forms of technology. Then, it characterises (1) abstract conceptualisation, (2) concrete experience and (3) reflective observation and active experimentation as dominant learning skills. Investigating a Nigeria and UK sample of 240 generation Z students, the associations are examined alongside the effects of gender and country. Based on a structural equation model, the analysis showed that although alternate uses of technology have mostly significant influences, their impact is largely negative with only internet searching having a positive effect on learning. The findings are explained through a cognitive load lens and insights are offered to learning providers to temper the appetite for technology use in instructional designs with thought and caution.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages19
JournalIndustry and Higher Education
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 19 Jun 2024

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