title = "'The Flood and the Zookeeper'",
author = "Eley Williams",
note = "Liberating the Canon is an edited anthology capturing the contemporary emergence of radically innovative and nonconforming forms of literature in the UK and US. Historically, sociopolitical marginalisation and avant-garde aesthetics have not come together in UK literature, counterintuitively divorcing outsider experience and formal innovation. Bringing together intersectional identity and literary innovation, LTC is designed as an intervention against the normativity of literary publishing contexts and the institution 'Innovative Literature' as such. More widely, if literature, any literature, can act as a mode of cultural resistance and help imagine a more progressive politics in Tory Britain and beyond, it is this.",
year = "2018",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-1999924508",
editor = "Isabel Waidner",
booktitle = "Liberating the Canon",
publisher = "Dostoyevsky Wannabe Press",