Student appraisals of collaborative team teaching: A quest for student engagement

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Team teaching has been defined many a times in a variety of contexts, however, is increasingly taking centre stage in addressing the gaps in student learning and a platform for a multiplicity of ideas. Our view of learning lies in the belief that it is a product of instructors’ multiple perspectives and teaching experiences. In our belief of the team-teaching approach, we believe knowledge construction as an outcome of a collaborative effort between teachers and students. This supports our choice of constructivist theory of learning as being an ideal lens for understanding team teaching and its benefits to leaners and teachers. Thus, the availability of multiple explanations from the teaching team allows elaboration of key aspects of the module or course and beyond. Arguably this has a facilitative effect on learning (i.e., allows for knowledge development) through provision of reflection and timely feedback compared to delayed feedback which potentially retards learning. Hence, in order to motivate students, provide clear communication, involve students in the learning process, deeper engagement is needed. This is facilitated by adopting a team-teaching pedagogical approach. This is rooted in our understanding that pedagogically, the fundamental efficacy of education requires that learners be served with knowledge that is effective. However, if not handled well, miscommunication may hamper learning and engagement die to mixed messaging.
Key words
Constructive alignment, constructivism, constructive theory, team teaching, collaborative teaching, pedagogy
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Applied Learning and Teaching
Issue number1
Early online date12 May 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 12 May 2023

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