Stability and dissipation of laminar vortex flow in superfluid 3He-B

V. B. Eltsov, R. de Graaf, P. J. Heikkinen, J. J. Hosio, R. Hänninen, M. Krusius, V. S. L'vov

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A central question in the dynamics of vortex lines in superfluids is dissipation on approaching the zero temperature limit 𝑇→0. From both NMR measurements and vortex filament calculations, we find that vortex flow remains laminar up to large Reynolds numbers Re𝛼∼103 in a cylinder filled with 3He−B. This is different from viscous fluids and superfluid 4He, where the corresponding responses are turbulent. In 3He−B, laminar vortex flow is possible in the bulk volume even in the presence of sizable perturbations from axial symmetry to below 0.2⁢𝑇c. The laminar flow displays no excess dissipation beyond mutual friction, which vanishes in the 𝑇→0 limit, in contrast with turbulent vortex motion where dissipation has been earlier measured to approach a large 𝑇-independent value at 𝑇 ≲ 0.2⁢𝑇c.
Original languageEnglish
Article number125301
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 14 Sept 2010
Externally publishedYes

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