Spatial and temporal aspects of oculomotor inhibition as revealed by saccade trajectories.

E McSorley, Robin Walker, P Haggard

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The spatial and temporal effect of distractor related inhibition on stimulus elicited (reflexive) and goal driven (voluntary) sac- cades, was examined using saccade trajectory deviations as a measure. Subjects made voluntary and reflexive saccades to a target location on the vertical midline, while the distance of a distractor from the target was systematically manipulated. The trajectory curvature of both voluntary and reflexive saccades was found to be subject to individual differences. Saccade curvature was found to decrease monotonically with increasing distractor distance from target for some subjects while for others no reduction in curva- ture or even an increase was found. These results could not be explained by latency differences or landing position effects. The dif- ferent patterns of distractor effects on saccade trajectories suggest the additional influence of a non-spatial inhibitory mechanism.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2492-2499
Number of pages13
JournalVision Research
Publication statusPublished - 2005


  • Saccade; Curvature; Trajectory; Superior colliculus; Salience map

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