Solving Problems on Graphs of High Rank-Width

Eduard Eiben, Robert Ganian, Stefan Szeider

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A modulator in a graph is a vertex set whose deletion places the considered graph into some specified graph class. The cardinality of a modulator to various graph classes has long been used as a structural parameter which can be exploited to obtain fixed-parameter algorithms for a range of hard problems. Here we investigate what happens when a graph contains a modulator which is large but “well-structured” (in the sense of having bounded rank-width). Can such modulators still be exploited to obtain efficient algorithms? And is it even possible to find such modulators efficiently? We first show that the parameters derived from such well-structured modulators are more powerful for fixed-parameter algorithms than the cardinality of modulators and rank-width itself. Then, we develop a fixed-parameter algorithm for finding such well-structured modulators to every graph class which can be characterized by a finite set of forbidden induced subgraphs. We proceed by showing how well-structured modulators can be used to obtain efficient parameterized algorithms for Minimum Vertex Cover and Maximum Clique. Finally, we use the concept of well-structured modulators to develop an algorithmic meta-theorem for deciding problems expressible in monadic second order logic, and prove that this result is tight in the sense that it cannot be generalized to LinEMSO problems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)742–771
Number of pages30
Early online date13 Feb 2017
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2018

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