Sedimentology and facies analysis of ancient sand ridges: Jurassic Rogn Formation, Trøndelag Platform, offshore Norway

Domenico Chiarella, Sergio G. Longhitano , William Mosdell, Donatella Telesca

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Sand ridges represent a common type of sedimentary bedform of modern shelves seldom used as analogues to interpret isolated marine sandbodies recognised in the subsurface. Lack of extended literature on outcrop and subsurface examples limits the possibility for their recognition and seems one of the reason behind this underrepresentation. The Draugen discovery made in the early 80`s represents an unicum in the Trøndelag Platform, offshore Norway. After more than 30 years the Froan Basin and Frøya High area are still underexplored and the Late Jurassic Rogn Fm play not well understood. Predicting reservoir distribution, and its internal architecture and properties requires the understanding of factors controlling sedimentation (e.g. palaeocirculation, depositional processes). North-south elongated sandbodies pertaining to the Rogn Formation are recognised in the Froan Basin and Frøya High encased within thick shaly deposits. Sandbodies develop above a ravinement or flooding surface (i.e. Callovian Unconformity) of regional extent where local depressions occur with a non-erosional concave-up top. Depressions representing the depositional loci for the accumulation of sand and development of the ridge. The presence of eastward and westward dipping reflections within the sandbodies allows identifying their large-scale architectures. Sediments form coarsening-upward vertical units characterised by a shaly base evolving upwards to medium- and coarse-grained sand forming tabular and trough cross strata. Locally, a fining upward trend characterised by plane-parallel stratification and coarse-grained massive layers is recognised. Sediments results well organised and sorted, which positively affects final porosity and permeability with values up to 30% and 6 Darcy, respectively - typical values for many sand ridges. Accordingly, sand ridges encased within thick shaly deposits can form stratigraphic traps with the potential for large hydrocarbon accumulations. The aim of the present study is to help the understanding of distribution, and internal architectures and properties of the Rogn Fm in the Trøndelag Platform.
Original languageEnglish
Article number104082
JournalMarine and Petroleum Geology
Early online date12 Oct 2019
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2020

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