Reducing Misinformation Effects in Older Adults With Cognitive Interview Mnemonics

Robyn Holliday, joyce humphries, rebecca milne, Amina Memon, lucy houlder, amy lyons, ray bull

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We examined the effect of a prior Modified Cognitive Interview on young and older adults’ recall of a short film of a staged crime and subsequent reporting of misinformation. Participants viewed the film followed the next day by misinformation presented in a postevent summary. They were then interviewed with either a Modified Cognitive Interview or a control interview followed by a recognition memory test. A Modified Cognitive Interview elicited more correct details and improved overall accuracy compared to a control interview in both age groups, although the young adults recollected three times more correct information in a Modified Cognitive Interview than the older adults. In both age groups, correct recollections of person and action details were higher in a Modified Cognitive Interview than a control interview. Importantly, older adults who were interviewed with a Modified Cognitive Interview were not susceptible to misinformation effects.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1191-1203
JournalPsychology and Aging
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • aging
  • cognitive interview
  • misinformation effect
  • eyewitness suggestibility

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