Papal Legates and the Crusader States 1187-1291

Hannah Strathern

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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Having seen the importance of the legatine office the genesis of this thesis was a desire to establish who the papal legates in the Crusader States were and the practicalities of the role they fulfilled. In this thesis case studies will be examined to provide in-depth analysis of the functions and responsibilities of the office in the East. It seeks to establish exactly what role specific legates were fulfilling and the business they were involved in. The thesis will look at how legates functioned in periods of trouble with a focus on the succession crisis in Antioch and the role of Peter of S. Marcello and Soffred of S. Prassede. In the subsequent chapter the wider role of legates during this same time period will be dealt with by assessing individuals such as Albert of Vercelli. Attention will then turn to the legations of James Pantaleon, Thomas of Lentino and William II of Agen. Finally, the role of legates on crusade and the impact this had will be evaluated with the case study of Eudes of Châteauroux.

By selecting case studies from throughout the existence of the Latin Kingdom a picture of how the legatine role developed as well as the fluctuating levels of influence legates possessed will be illuminated. Whilst both the history of papal legates in the West and the narrative of the Church in the East have been thoroughly investigated, in combining these two aspects this study will provide insight into the mechanics of the Eastern church and the impact legates had on governance in the Crusade States. This thesis, as a by-product of its focus on tracking the work of legates in the East, will also show the importance of the expansion of Roman Christendom to the concept and increased power of the legatine office.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Royal Holloway, University of London
  • Jotischky, Andrew, Supervisor
Award date1 Jun 2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Legates
  • Medieval History
  • Papacy
  • Papal Government
  • Crusades

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