Not So Liminal Now: The Importance of Designing Privacy Features Across a Spectrum of Use

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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There are many communities of ubiquitous computing users that are on the periphery of society and these liminal users are often left to negotiate their re- lationship with technology without the help and support provided to more main- stream users. One such community is formed around users of Augmentative Alter- native Communication (AAC) technology. Changes in the commercial landscape have brought within reach dramatic improvements in AAC and made them more accessible and supportive to their user community. These improvements, though overwhelmingly positive, amplify a family of personal data management problems that are similar to those experienced by more typical ubiquitous computing users. This paper argues that information management practices deployed by the AAC user community are ones that mainstream society may benefit from using. Accordingly, this paper explores a number of personal data management problems that arise during AAC use and considers how AAC users have developed work arounds and information management practices to protect their personal information. Whilst this paper is focused on AAC technology, the responses could be generalised for a broader spectrum of society.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDigital Enlightenment Yearbook 2013
EditorsM Hildebrandt, K O'Hara, M Waidnder
PublisherIOS Press
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-61499-295-0
ISBN (Print)978-1-61499-294-3
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • AAC
  • information managementpractices
  • personal data
  • ubiquitous computing

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