Melencolia Illa Heroica: Françoise Proust, Walter Benjamin and `Catastrophe in Permanence’: In Memoriam F.P. 1947-1998

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Françoise Proust’s essential points of reference are Kant and Walter Benjamin. Alain Badiou ignores the extraordinary and sometimes beautiful dark power of Proust’s work on Benjamin. As is clear, however, from both Daniel Bensaïd’s interview with Proust and the title of Élizabeth Lemirre and Catherine Perret’s memorial volume (Une philosophie de la résistance: Françoise Proust), the concept of Proust that is most likely to become the dominant one is not Badiou’s, but rather the concept of her as above all a philosopher of `resistance’.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2008


  • Françoise Proust
  • Walter Benjamin
  • Kant
  • Badiou
  • catastrophe
  • history
  • language
  • truth
  • European philosophy

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