Knowledge Sharing in the New Product Development Process: A case study of Iran Khodro Company IKCO

Seyed Navid Nasirpourosgoei

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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This study aims to investigate issues on knowledge-sharing in the new product development process through a single embedded case study of Iran Khodro Company (IKCO). Although IKCO is a flagship automotive company in Iran, it has struggled to develop new products independently, despite its experience of jointly developing new products with international partners. This raises an important question with regard to knowledge-sharing practice within IKCO, and knowledge-transfer from international partners. Accordingly, this study investigates the way in which Western theory on knowledge-sharing and knowledge-transfer can be applied, refined or developed in the Iranian context. The empirical data are based on 40 in-depth semi-structured qualitative interviews conducted with 25 senior and middle managers from key departments relevant to the new product development process. Secondary data based on published industry reports and unpublished company reports are incorporated to support the analysis of the interview data.
The findings reveal a range of factors that influence four key knowledge-sharing and knowledge transfer processes within the IKCO: (a) knowledge-sharing through a centralised knowledge repository; (b) knowledge-sharing through interaction and socialisation; (c) knowledge-transfer from international partners; and (d) knowledge acquisition, retention and creation within the Research & Development Centre. The findings highlight that, although theory on knowledge-sharing and knowledge- transfer developed in the West are applicable to the Iranian context to some extent, knowledge-sharing and knowledge-transfer processes are considerably influenced by the idiosyncratic organisational context, which in turn is influenced by the wider context, such as the political regime, industry dynamics, technological development and institutional framework.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Royal Holloway, University of London
  • Wang, Lihong, Supervisor
  • Dyerson, Romano, Supervisor
Award date1 Jun 2014
Publication statusUnpublished - 28 May 2014

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