Hyperbolic Translation-Based Sequential Recommendation

Yonghong Yu, Aoran Zhang, Li Zhang, Rong Gao, Shang Gao, Hongzhi Yin

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The goal of sequential recommendation algorithms is to predict personalized sequential behaviors of users (i.e., next-item recommendation). Learning representations of entities (i.e., users and items) from sparse interaction behaviors and capturing the relationships between entities are the main challenges for sequential recommendation. However, most sequential recommendation algorithms model relationships among entities in Euclidean space, where it is difficult to capture hierarchical relationships among entities. Moreover, most of them utilize independent components to model the user preferences and the sequential behaviors, ignoring the correlation between them. To simultaneously capture the hierarchical structure relationships and model the user preferences and the sequential behaviors in a unified framework, we propose a general hyperbolic translation-based sequential recommendation framework, namely HTSR. Specifically, we first measure the distance between entities in hyperbolic space. Then, we utilize personalized hyperbolic translation operations to model the third-order relationships among a user, his/her latest visited item, and the next item to consume. In addition, we instantiate two hyperbolic translation-based sequential recommendation models, namely Poincaré translation-based sequential recommendation (PoTSR) and Lorentzian translation-based sequential recommendation (LoTSR). PoTSR and LoTSR utilize the Poincaré distance and Lorentzian distance to measure similarities between entities, respectively. Moreover, we utilize the tangent space optimization method to determine optimal model parameters. Experimental results on five real-world datasets show that our proposed hyperbolic translation-based sequential recommendation methods outperform the state-of-the-art sequential recommendation algorithms.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7467-7483
Number of pages17
JournalIEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems
Issue number6
Early online date4 Jul 2024
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024

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