Harmonic convergence: Three events related to the British Poetry Revival

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)


The essay begins with an account of a paper by Andrew Duncan on 'Gay themes in the poetry of Eric Mottram', in the context of a lost history of gay poetry in the twentieth century. He discussed works by Christopher Logue, George McKay Brown and James Kirkup in relation to significant silences and symbols that both hide and reveal. In this context, he then discussed Mottram's Peace Poems in relation to gay community and the role of the gay artist. In the same week as Duncan's paper, Gilbert Adair was talking about his time as Mottram's student and his setting up of Subvoicive, while (in another event) Ken Edwards was reading from Wild Metrics, his account of the same period.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationtentacular magazine
Publication statusPublished - 6 May 2019


  • British Poetry Revival
  • Eric Mottram
  • Andrew Duncan
  • Peace Projects
  • gay poetry
  • Gilbert Adair
  • Ken Edwards
  • Subvoicive
  • Karen Sandhu

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