Getting to Know Noisiness: Moving on Concepts and Debates for (Aero)mobilities and Atmospheres

Mor Shilon, Peter Adey

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Aeromobility and air travel are known to produce multilevel experiences of sound, ultimately resulting in social and environmental struggles against noise pollution. Different studies that address aeromobile sounds and atmospheres, however, do so while using highly different concepts, approaches, tools, and methods which often create disconnects between different disciplines and their capacity for dialogue. Drawing primarily on a study of Ben Gurion International Airport, and on a nonrepresentational approach to aeromobile sounds, their experience, representation, and sensing – by people and technologies – this paper provides conceptually informed empirical accounts of different ways to get to know noise, while addressing the gaps they create between different fields of knowledge. The paper concludes that nonrepresentational thinking is a valuable pillar with which shared grounds between academic discourse, practitioners, policy makers, and the public could be progressed, offering wider considerations of noise, its constitution, outcomes, and futures in aeromobile geographies and airport planning.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages36
JournalSocial and Cultural Geography
Early online date4 Dec 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 4 Dec 2021

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