Gendering Global Conflict: Toward a Feminist Theory of War

Laura Sjoberg

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Laura Sjoberg positions gender and gender subordination as key factors in the making and fighting of global conflict. Through the lens ofgender, she examines the meaning, causes, practices, and experiences of war, building a more inclusive approach to the analysis of violent conflict between states.

Considering war at the international, state, substate, and individual levels, Sjoberg's feminist perspective elevates a number of causal variables in war decision-making. These include structural gender inequality, cycles of gendered violence, state masculine posturing, the often overlooked role of emotion in political interactions, gendered understandings of power, and states' mistaken perception of their own autonomy and unitary nature. Gendering Global Conflict also calls attention to understudied spaces that can be sites of war, such as the workplace, the household, and even the bedroom. Her findings show gender to be a linchpin of even the most tedious and seemingly bland tactical and logistical decisions in violent conflict. Armed with that information, Sjoberg undertakes the task of redefining and reintroducing critical readings of war's political, economic, and humanitarian dimensions, developing the beginnings of a feminist theory of war.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNew York
PublisherColumbia University Press
Number of pages480
ISBN (Electronic)9780231520003
ISBN (Print)9780231148603, 9780231148610
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2013


  • gender
  • war
  • war theory
  • international security
  • international relations
  • levels of analysis
  • feminist IR
  • feminist theory

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