Fossil plants from the Barren Red measures near Ochiltree, Ayrshire

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Fossil plants from the Barren Red Measures of the Burnock water near Ochiltree are recorded from about 300 metres above the Skipsey marine band and indicate a high Westphalian C, low Westphalian D, age. Other fossiliferous horizons from the area are noted and it is considered that the Barren Red Measures (Upper Coal Measures) represent a Westphalian C to a Low Westphalian D age in the central Aryshire District.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9-12
Number of pages4
JournalProceedings of the Geological Society of Glasgow
Publication statusPublished - 1976


  • Carboniferous
  • Westphalian
  • Ochiltree
  • Ayrshire
  • fossil plants
  • Barren Red Measures
  • dating

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