Explaining intra-party organisational variation at the sub-national level in India

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Existing scholarship on democratic theory has emphasized the role of political
party's organization in establishing institutionalized party systems. If intra-party
organization is understood to be a key explanatory variable, then it is important to explain why some political parties have strong internal organization in comparison to others. However, there is no single study, of which I am aware, that explains variations in the level of organizations within political parties in India. Using Chhibber, Jensenius and Suryanarayan's party organisation dataset alongside a qualitative example from the sub-national level in India, I show that there exists a `U' shaped relationship between parties controlling the executive office and strength of individual party organisation. There exists a strong negative effect between time spent in executive office and individual party organisation. It is only in the very long run that parties in government reap small benefits of executive office for their individual party organisations.
Original languageEnglish
JournalRegional & Federal Studies
Early online date16 Oct 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 16 Oct 2021

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