Frozen Through Nordic Frames

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article explores the Disney film Frozen (2013) in relation to Nordic musical practices and political concerns. The exploration is structured through three main frames. Firstly, the film’s opening track, Eatnemen Vuelie is located within the broader joik-inspired musical practices of its composer, Frode Fjellheim. Secondly, Frozen is contextualised within Nordic political concerns. Specifically, these concerns relate to indigenous politics and environmental issues (and the discussion outlines how the film speaks to global challenges posed by polar warmingand melting ice-caps). Thirdly, the opening track of this film provides a way into reflecting on changes in ethnomusicological scholarship from the 1990s onwards. This article encompasses both an interpretive reading of sonic intertextuality in Eatnemen Vuelie and critical reflection on changing disciplinary emphases. It points to the ways in which emphases within contemporary scholarship on the links across different places resonate with current cross-regional and global thinking in the Nordic world.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-31
Number of pages19
JournalPuls: Swedish Journal of Ethnomusicology and Ethnochoreology
Publication statusPublished - 2016

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