Elder homicide: A systematic literature review

Michaela Rogers, Jennifer Storey

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This paper presents the findings of the first review of the research-based evidence reporting the phenomenon of elder homicide. A systematic review of peer-reviewed literature published across the world (between 1982 and 2018) was undertaken. A total of 33 articles were identified and appraised using PRISMA including quantitative (n=30) and mixed methods (n=3) studies. Four themes were identified in the synthesis of findings: victim characteristics; offender characteristics; victim-offender relationship; and offense characteristics. Through a critical discussion, these themes, and the emerging typology, are contextualised to argue that these findings could influence the improvement of policy and practice, and inform future research, for vulnerable elderly people at risk of violence and homicide. A gap identified in the literature was the lack of identification and analysis of risk factors for elder homicide which provides evidence of the need for further research on elder homicide, risk and risk management.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAggression and Violent Behavior
Early online date21 Aug 2019
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 21 Aug 2019


  • elder abuse
  • eldercide
  • elder homicide
  • killings
  • murder

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