Cross-border petroleum geology in the North Sea: an introduction

Stuart G. Archer, Henk Kombrink, Stefano Patruno, Domenico Chiarella, Christopher A.-L. Jackson, John Howell

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The North Sea has reached an ultra-mature state as a petroleum basin, entering a phase of infrastructure-led exploration in an attempt to extend the economic lives of the main fields and reduce the rate of production decline. At the same time, the transition to a future low-carbon use of the basin is also in progress. As the papers in this volume demonstrate, in order to find, appraise and develop the mostly smaller near-field opportunities as well as making sure to grasp the opportunities of the near-future energy transition, a regional understanding of the North Sea is still critical. Even more so, a cross-border approach is essential because: (1) some of the plays currently being targeted have a clear cross-border element; (2) it allows a comparison of stratigraphic names throughout the entire basin; and (3) it enables explorers to learn lessons from one part of the rift to be applied somewhere else.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-11
JournalGeological Society of London Special Publication
Publication statusPublished - 11 Mar 2022

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