Autoformalizing and Simulating Game-Theoretic Scenarios using LLM-augmented Agents

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Game-theoretic simulations are a versatile tool for exploring interactions of both natural and artificial agents. However, modelling real-world scenarios and developing simulations often require substantial human expertise and effort. To streamline this process, we present a framework that enables the autoformalization of game-theoretic scenarios using agents augmented by large language models (LLMs). In this approach, LLM-augmented agents translate natural language scenario descriptions into executable logic programs that define the rules of each game, validating these programs for syntactic accuracy. A tournament simulation is then conducted, during which the agents test the functionality of the generated games by playing them. When a ground truth payoff matrix is available, an exact semantic validation can also be performed. The validated games can then be used in further simulations to assess the effectiveness of different strategies. We evaluate our approach on a diverse set of 55 natural language descriptions across five well-known 2x2 simultaneous-move games, demonstrating 96% syntactic and 87% semantic correctness in the generated game rules. Additionally, we assess the LLM-augmented agents' capability to autoformalize strategies for gameplay.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusIn preparation - 11 Dec 2024


  • cs.AI

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