Angular and tangential toeset geometry in tidal cross-strata: an additional feature of current-modulated deposits

Domenico Chiarella

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


Cyclicity is one of the main characteristics used to recognise tidal current-modulation in clastic deposits. Usually, cyclicity detected in cross-strata consists of sand-mud or siliciclastic-bioclastic couplets, thick-thin bundles or lateral and vertical thickness variation of rhythmites. The aim of this paper is to direct attention to the cyclicity showed by the toeset geometry, which has not been previously emphasized. Recognition of the toeset geometry can be useful in sand-rich cross-strata when other tidal sedimentary signals are faint or ambiguous. The lower Pleistocene cross-strata of the Catanzaro Strait contain a wide suite of sedimentary structures supporting tidal origin. In particular, sand-rich cross-strata of the Pianopoli Unit are prone to record cyclicity in toesets geometry. Especially along the forward migration path of the bedform, toesets can be angular or tangential in shape, related to the cyclic increase and decrease of flow velocities during one tidal cycle.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationContributions to Modern and Ancient Tidal Sedimentology
PublisherInternational Association of Sedimentologists Special Publication
ISBN (Electronic)9781119218395
ISBN (Print)9781119218371
Publication statusPublished - 2016

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