An upgraded scanning wire beam profile monitoring system for the ISIS high energy drift space

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The ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, based at the Ruth- erford Appleton Laboratory, begins with an injector line that accelerates an H- ion beam to 70 MeV. The beam then travels through a High Energy Drift Space (HEDS) before passing through an electron stripping foil upon injection into the proton synchrotron, which provides acceleration up to 800 MeV.
During machine setup, beam profile measurements in the HEDS are taken using scanning wire monitors, which drive a single pair of measuring wires, one per plane, through the beam aperture using an analogue servo motor. Many of these monitors have been in operation since ISIS was commissioned in 1984 and as such are coming to the end of their operational lifetimes, meaning a new suite of monitors is required.
A prototype monitor has been developed along with new electronics and a control system to test the operation of a new drive mechanism based around a stepper motor and resolver, providing increased precision and reliability. This paper discusses the development of a new multi-wire monitor design, and the associated upgrade to the elec- tronics and control system.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Beam Instrumentation Conference 2017
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2017

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